On receipt of your on-line form, your registration will be confirmed within 5 working days and sent to the e-mail address provided in your application form. The invoice will be sent separately following receipt of payment. Please note that the e-mail address provided may also be used for distribution of any conference material and information (programme updates etc.).
By attending the event, you give permission for images of you, captured during the conference through video, photo, and/or digital camera, to be used by Medicines for Europe in promotional materials, publications, and on our website and waive any and all rights including but not limited to compensation or ownership.
If no e-mail confirmation has been received within 5 working days following your application, please contact send and email to EVENTS
A list of participants, which will include your name, company, country and website, will be sent to all delegates 7 days before the event.
The official language of the event is English (no translation is available).
It may be necessary, for reasons beyond the organisers' control, to alter the dates, venue, timing and content of the programme (including speakers) without prior notice. The organisers regret that they cannot accept liability for losses incurred by delegates in these circumstances.
Register for the Biosimilar Medicines Conference (3-4 April 2025)
My Company/Association is Member of one of the three sector groups of Medicines for Europe and I will pay a total Member Fee of € 1941 (€ 1460+21% NL VAT on Event Fee and € 160+9% NL VAT on Catering Fee)*
My Company/Association is NOT a Member of Medicines for Europe and I will pay a total Non-Member Fee of € 2412,90 (€ 1850+21% NL VAT on Event Fee and € 160+9% NL VAT on Catering Fee)*
EXHIBITION TABLE**: My Company/Association is a Member of one of the three sector groups of Medicines for Europe and I will pay the Exhibition Table Member Fee of € 2970 (VAT reverse charge for VAT registered entities)
EXHIBITION TABLE**: My Company/Association is NOT a Member of Medicines for Europe and I will pay the Exhibition Table Non-Member Fee of € 3335 (VAT reverse charge for VAT registered entities)
EXHIBITION TABLE ATTENDEE***: My Company/Association has registered for an exhibition table and I wish to register as an EXHIBITION TABLE ATTENDEE* at a total cost of € 368 (€ 160+21% NL VAT on Event Fee and € 160+9% NL VAT on Catering Fee)*
* VAT Reverse charge for NL VAT registered entities based in NL. Please make sure that your full NL VAT number (starting with NL) is included in the form when submitting.
** EXHIBITION TABLE: The price for an exhibition table includes 1 entrance to the conference, 1 table and 2 chairs in the foyer area where you can display your company material during networking breaks. For more information please contact Trudy Beks.
*** EXHIBITION TABLE ATTENDEE REGISTRATION does not include entry to the conference but only to the exhibition area + networking events.
Method of payment
Please note: all fees are in Euro and include coffee breaks and buffet lunches during the event. Fees do not include any refreshments/beverages not offered as part of the event for which you are registered. Travel and accommodation are your own responsibility. Meals requiring special preparation (such as Kosher) may incur additional costs.
Payment in Euro must be received before the event and bank charges are your responsibility. The VAT invoice will be issued once the payment has been received.
CANCELLATION POLICY: All cancellations must be received in writing 21 calendar days prior to the start of the event and will be subject to an administration fee of 150 Euro. For cancellation after this time, or if the delegate fails to attend the event, no refund of fees may be expected and the amount of the invoice is due. Substitutions are welcome at no extra charge but ONLY until 28 March 2025. The organisers reserve the right to cancel the event at any time without liability. In these circumstances, delegates will be offered an alternative date, a credit note or a full refund.
Registrations close officially on 24 March 2025 and are subject to availability.
We remind you that the organisers are not responsible for your travel and stay.
Under which category do you wish to be registered?
CROs/Service Providers
Legal Firms
HCP Practice/Hospital
Other, please specify:
Where did you hear about this event?
Ad in Generics Bulletin
Ad in another publication, please specify:
Event Flyer
E-mail Ad
X, Linkedin
E-mail from Medicines for Europe
Via a generic/biosimilar medicines association, please specify which one:
Other, please specify:
Tick here if you do not wish to receive information on future events.
Please note that by submitting this form you agree to all the terms and conditions contained therein including the privacy policy.