About the Value Added Medicines Group

The Value Added Medicines Group, a sector group of Medicines for Europe, aims to rethink, reinvent and optimise medicines based on known molecules by bringing untapped innovation to improve care delivery. The Value Added Medicines Group adopts a complementary perspective compared to the other Medicines for Europe sector groups by tackling the targeted portion of patient needs that remain unmet to this day, delivering additional improvements to the healthcare community as a whole.

Medicines for Europe represents the European generic, biosimilar and value added medicines industries, which provide high-quality cost-competitive medicines to millions of patients in Europe and around the world. The vision of Medicines for Europe is to provide sustainable access to high quality medicines for all patients, based on 5 important pillars: patients, quality, value, sustainability and partnership.

Mission and Vision

VISION:  By rethinking, reinventing and optimising existing medicines, we aim to provide European patient access to value added medicines, delivering considerable outcomes for patients, healthcare professionals and/or payers  over existing alternatives.

MISSION: Establish, in collaboration with patients, healthcare professionals and payers, a sustainable market model that incentivises R&D and access to value added medicines in Europe.


Coming soon…


I. Member Companies

Accord Healthcare
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Alfred E. Tiefenbacher
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II.  Affiliate members

III. Partner Members

IV. National Associations

Egualia (IT)
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Medaxes (BE)
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Medicines for Ireland
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V. National Associations – AFFILIATE MEMBERS

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Become a Member

Medicines for Europe is the official trade association for the European generic, biosimilar and value-added pharmaceutical industries, representing, supporting and developing our common scientific and technical interests within the European Union, Europe as a whole as well as between the European Union and third countries

Why become a member

Medicines for Europe provides many benefits to its members. We represent the voice of our members at European level on all matters affecting our industries.

  • Be part of a strong and united association
  • Benefit from joint expertise and access to information
  • Play your part in the sustainability and competitiveness of our industries
  • Be fully informed on market access, regulatory and legal issues affecting us all
  • Enhance your influence at European level
  • Network with your peers
  • Attend our many conferences and events at reduced member rates

For more information on how to become a member of Medicines for Europe, please click here.

Factsheet | The Value Added Medicines Group