Beneath the Surface: Unravelling the True Value of Generic Medicines


Generic medicines today

The generic medicines industry is at the heart of public health delivery. This industry provides essential medicines that European patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare systems rely on to treat most acute and chronic ailments ranging from cardiovascular, to diabetes and even to cancer. Generic medicines have transformed healthcare in Europe by significantly increasing access to medicine for patients in an era of rising demands for healthcare services and constrained finances. Over the last ten years, generic medicines have increased access to medicines by over 100% in 7 key therapeutic areas without increasing the overall treatment cost. Millions of European patients have benefited from better access to gold standard therapies as a result of this transformation.

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Our 5 Pillars

Generic Medicines are for Patients
Generic Medicines stand for Quality
Generic Medicines are about more Value
Generic Medicines deliver Sustainability
The Generic Medicines industry is committed to Partnership

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What's new

EURACTIV – Adjust prices to save drugs, generics industry tells EU

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Did you know?

Bioequivalence is the key factor in creating a generic medicine.


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