9.30 Coffee & Registration

10.00 Welcome remarks – moderator Jacqueline Bowman-Busato, Third-I

  • As the European Parliament mandate ’14-’19 draws to a close, what have we achieved in advancing Universal Access to Healthcare and where do we go next?
  • Andrey KOVATCHEV (EPP, BG) (TBC)
  • Alojz PETERLE (EPP, SL) (TBC)
  • Jose-Ignacio FARIA (EPP, PT) (TBC)

10.45     As the European Commission mandate ’14-’19 draws to a close, what have we achieved in advancing Universal Access to Healthcare and where do we go next?  

  • Katarzyna PTAK, Senior policy officer Responsible for Access to health at Directorate Health systems, medical products and innovation, European Commission

11.00 Stakeholders’ perspectives on improving access to healthcare – What is our role?

  • Nicola Bedlington, European Patient’s Forum (EPF)
  • Arnaud Emeriau, European Social Insurance Platform (ESIP)
  • Freek Spinnewijn , European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) (TBC)
  • Thomas Kanga-Tona, The International Association of Mutual Benefit Societies (AIM)
  • Julie Maréchal-Jamil, Medicines for Europe

11:45 Exchange of views, audience Q&A

12.30 Networking Lunch