“Too much at stake in the EU pharma strategy to get it wrong: how the EU can deliver equitable access to medicines”
“EU Industry Welcomes New Schengen Strategy’s Green Lanes”
Interviu cu Adrian van den Hoven, director general Medicines for Europe
Asociația Medicines for Europe, al cărui director general sunteți, a sesizat în perioada pandemiei o serie de probleme, întâlnite aproape în toate țările UE, anume disfuncționalități în asigurarea stocurilor de medicamente și proceduri greoaie de achiziții de produse și echipamente medicale. Care sunt propunerile dv. pentru rezolvarea acestora?
The Center for Biosimilars® (CfB) spoke with Adrian van den Hoven, Director General of Medicines for Europe, and Diogo Piedade, market access manager for Medicines for Europe, about their scorecard report for biosimilar access in European markets.
In the wake of the publication of Medicines for Europe’s Lessons Learned from COVID-19 policy paper, Christoph Stoller & Adrian van den Hoven outline the European generics, biosimilar and value-added-medicines industry’s rapid and comprehensive response to the COVID-19 crisis as well as the potential long-term shifts in European pharmaceutical policy that may come from this tumultuous period.