Innovation on existing, well-known molecules through repurposing can deliver huge benefits for patients and address unmet medical needs sustainably. Today the European Commission Safe and Timely Access to Medicines for Patients (STAMP) expert group, established in 2015 has launched a project to assist bringing value added repurposing to life.
Repurposing has shown its value during COVID-19, where existing medicines were used to treat very sick patients. Repurposing, likely in combination with important medicines reformulation, has huge potential to treat rare diseases and cancers.
The STAMP pilot project will connect academic researchers with medicine regulatory agencies for early scientific advice on repurposing projects. This will be instrumental to generate a robust data package to translate research into to medicines access for patients.
This pilot project is a great first step to support clinical research projects on existing molecules and it must become a part of a broader sustainable innovation ecosystem for off-patent medicine. To translate clinical research into access to medicines, there should be quick and simple regulatory steps to allow pharmaceutical manufacturers to bring new indications on label and to facilitate patient-centric design for new treatments. This may include reformulation, new strengths or adaptation for specific patient groups (i.e. paediatric populations). These investments must also be recognised in pricing and reimbursement policies to make access a reality for all patients.
Medicines for Europe is a dedicated partner in the STAMP expert group and will facilitate the cooperation between researchers and pharmaceutical manufacturers.
For more information on the work of the STAMP expert group, see https://ec.europa.eu/health/documents/pharmaceutical-committee/stamp_en
For more information on the pilot project, see https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/repurposing-authorised-medicines-pilot-support-not-profit-organisations-academia
Medicines for Europe
Medicines for Europe represents the generic, biosimilar and value-added medicines industries across Europe. Its vision is to provide sustainable access to high quality medicines, based on 5 important pillars: patients, quality, value, sustainability and partnership. Its members directly employ 190,000 people at over 400 manufacturing and 126 R&D sites in Europe and invest up to 17% of their turnover in R&D investment. Medicines for Europe member companies across Europe are both increasing access to medicines and driving improved health outcomes. They play a key role in creating sustainable European healthcare systems by continuing to provide high quality, effective generic medicines, whilst also innovating to create new biosimilar medicines and bringing to market value added medicines, which deliver better health outcomes, greater efficiency and/or improved safety in the hospital setting for patients. For more information please follow us at www.medicinesforeurope.com and on Twitter @medicinesforEU.