



20160128 EGA Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Conferenc

Changes in medicines procurement policies urgently needed to ensure secure supply of essential medicines

19 February 2024

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Health Policy Watch: Forum Discusses High Drug Prices in Wealthy Countries and Access to Medicines in Conflicts

12 February 2024

Adrian van den Hoven, chair of the International Generic and […]

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Joint statement Association for Accessible Medicines – Medicines for Europe ahead of 5th EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council Ministerial meeting

26 January 2024

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Court decision on Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) manufacturing waiver risks undermining its use

18 January 2024

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Medicines for Europe and European Business Association propose priority steps to continue the EU integration of the Ukrainе’s pharmaceutical industry

15 January 2024

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The European Union cannot jeopardise patient access to generic medicines through the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive

8 January 2024

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Biosimilar medicines critical for future medicines access and sustainability but more biologic competition is needed in the EU

13 December 2023

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(Original in SK) How low pricing of generic and biosimilar drugs relates to their shortage

27 November 2023

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OPEN LETTER: Members of the European Parliament and EU 27 Ministers of Health on the revision of the pharmaceutical legislation

8 November 2023

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Now or never: Europe must seize the Pharma Legislation opportunity to ensure patient access to continuous innovation for existing medicines

7 November 2023

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